Maps & Aerial Views

Downley, together with the other neighbouring hamlet of Plomer’s Green, was originally in the Parish of West Wycombe, although a number of dwellings in what is now Littleworth Road lay in the Parish of Hughenden. The map above shows the field boundaries and tracks of the north-eastern part of West Wycombe Parish at that time. Click here to view this map in more detail.

The overlay above illustrates how the field system has influenced the present-day footpaths and major roads. The discrepancy associated with the position of Cookshall Lane probably arises as a consequence of the limitations of the surveying techniques at that time.

More houses have been built in the three hamlets, and the tracks along what is now the High Street/ Commonside and Narrow Lane delineated more clearly. Although the location of St James Church is shown the absence of the Downley Village school would suggest that the map has been only partially updated.

Note the orchards on the north of the Common adjacent to the Le De Spencers Arms.

Map showing proposed location of Downley War Memorial Hall. For higher resolution map click here.

The more detailed maps above highlight the ongoing development in the village as exemplified by the inclusion of Golf Links Villas and Cottages (arrowed) at the end of Plomer Green Lane.

The aerial photo of the central part of Downley shows new houses along Littleworth Road and the start of construction of Jubilee Road. What was to become Narrow Lane can be found on the far right of the image, and at its junction with Commonside is the Old Tin Church.

Jubilee Road has been extended and joined with what is now School Close. Houses have been built in Southfield Road, White Close and at the upper end of Westover Road.

A number of houses have been constructed along High Street, Commonside, Littleworth Road, and Jubilee Road. Towards the Oxford Road there are further developments on both sides of what is now called Plomer Hill (known locally as ‘The Pitch’) including Talbot Avenue and Lyndhurst Close. Note that as recently as 1961 it was still annotated as Plomer’s Hill.

The era of major growth of Downley, with the construction of Greys Lane/ Pheasant Drive – together with the associated housing developments both side of these roads- is over. In 1989 the Mines and West factory relocated to Thame. This released more land for housing. Within the village centre only the Middle School grounds and an adjacent field remain as open space.

The current boundaries of Downley Parish.